Five Minutes At The North East Coast Exhibition Newcastle (1929)

Newcastle-on-Tyne, Tyne and Wear. Intertitle describes how this “miniature Wembley“ brings back memories of the Great Exhibition. Scenes at the North East Coast Exhibition, the entrance towers, the bridge, buildings, pavilions, fountains etc. People in rowing boats and walking around in the sunshine. Interior of one of the pavilions with a large mechanical instrument. People are seen upside down in a large photographic lens on display. A large group of people walk around a metal staircase looking at the exhibits. The name Doxford and Sons is visible. C/Us of mechanical innovations. Captain Fryatt’s heroic ship the “Brussels“ is evoked by an exhibit. Handicrafts are demonstrated - making fishing nets and stained glass windows. Entrance to the African Village. Inside the Village there is traditional dancing and musicians. A small monkey knocks a man’s hat off and a lion tamer performs a routine with a group of lions inside a cage. Shot of a large roller-coaster and a water splash ride.
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