The Greatest Opening Minute in Anime - Steins;Gate Analysis

If you saw the previous version of this video, feel free to skip to 4:48 for the Japanese Dialogue Analysis. What you need in your premiere episode is to give the viewer something to hook into, whether that be in the plot, the character, the themes, or the production. Steins;Gate in one minute does about three of those to a degree that makes most anime’s first episode look childish attempts by comparison. We’re breaking down every element of this intro - even getting into some good old fashion dialogue breakdown - to determine what we can take away from just ONE MINUTE of footage. I’ve never been accused once in my life of hyperbole and I sure as hell won’t have that thrown at me here. We launch off Operation;Yggdrasil by talking about the first minute of Steins;Gate. Seriously that’s it all we do here is break down the audio-visual production and talk about the opening soliloquy that’s it. Somehow that’s a 9 minute video. Odin help me cause this next one’s prob
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