Wimbledon Finals (1960)

Item title reads - Wimbledon finals. Wimbledon tennis finals, London. M/S Neil Fraser and Rod Laver walking onto the centre court, they turn. High angled shot of Fraser and Laver bowing to the royal box. L/S crowds. M/S Fraser serving from near end. Various shots of the match, Fraser wins point, crowds applaud. Various shots as match continues. M/S Fraser returning a serve with a passing shot which Laver cannot reach to give Fraser the championship, Fraser throws his racquet into the air and runs towards the net, he is met there by Laver. M/S as they walk off. L/S crowds. M/S Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, shaking hands with Fraser he turns to take the Cup. Fraser shakes hands with Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent, the Duke presents the cup to Fraser. M/S Fraser holding the cup and talking to the Duke and Duchess. C/U Fraser holding the Cup. Elevated shots of Maria Bueno and Sandra Reynolds walking onto the centre court. C/U Maria and Sandra holding bouquets. M/S Maria serving from near en
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