Wild Woman - for women who run with the wolves - Peruquois

To all women who run with the wolves - Wild Woman - immensely potent woman empowerment song. it shakes to the core and awakens the wild woman, who has been beautifully depicted by Clarissa Pinkola Estes in her book Women Who Run With the Wolves. Heal your Good Girl syndrome and become a real woman. It is time for what I many years call Good Girl Syndrome (c) ruling the world. It is time for every woman to start running with the wolves. To become a True Real Wild Woman! This syndrome shackles almost every woman on a planet including you. I developed a unique online-course that will help you to get rid of Good Girl Syndrome heal your inner wild untamed woman. So you can start living your own life! Курс “Как избавиться от “Синдрома Хорошей Девочки“ и Начать Жить“ уже на сайте Перукуа Cиндромом Хорошей Девочки поразил практически каждую женщину на планете. Ты не одна в западне. Если ты
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