Almaty by Bus - A reggae documentary from China to Kazakhstan
Almaty by Bus is a musical documentary in which you will tag along three members of Uprooted Sunshine, Arminda, Esia and Didjelirium, as they make their way towards Almaty, Kazakhstan to take part in the eponymous reggae event at Da Freak Club, organized by Jammin’ Bus Soundsystem and JahRA Corporation.
26 hours bus rides, live footage, local Kazakhstan music, friendly drunks, awesome people and interviews with those who are pushing reggae music in a place where nobody was expecting it, proving once more
2 months ago 00:19:16 1
Гомеопатия. Как у меня пригорело
4 months ago 00:39:35 1
He QUIT CHESS for college, now he’s TOP 8! WEI YI Podcast