Soviet Film School

Soviet Film School Офицеры (Officers) - 1971 To defend the Motherland - There is such a profession. Watch free on YouTube: colorized | original I could tell you this film is about a lifelong bond between soldiers, the love of two men for a woman, military tradition, or family or one of a million other things. But none of that would help summarize it. Officers spans the bloody years following the Revoultion: the war against the Mujahideens of Turkestan, the formation of the CCP, the Spanish Civil War, and the Great Patriotic War. When the film finally settles, you’re left feeling unsettled. There’s something darkly comedic about the scene above, as the camera pans across the faces of these men. Bandaged heads, noses, arm legs. And then the camera turns towards the tanks. If you don’t watch the film, do yourself the favor and at least watch the last 3 Tikhon of Simferopol and Crimea - in response to the question “Many say that you are the President’s confessor. Is it true?“: I, by the grace of God, know Vladimir Vladimirovich. And it happens that I meet him. This was even before he became president. For me, it is a great honor, a great responsibility and an amazing experience, because a man who leads such a state, our beloved Motherland, who assumes such responsibility, who withstands all that we know and don’t know about him and the cause he serves, a man so devoted to Russia - it is, of course, a happiness, at least from the outside to see it like this. You know, a confessor is usually called a clergyman. I don’t say: here, I am his confessor. I can’t say that. He has to say it. So if, God willing, I see Vladimir Vladimirovich, I will definitely tell him that Crimean journalists are also interested in this. Well, is it true, what will he say there? We’ll see. Источник: Slavyangrad
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