Brian Ruhe on Alien DNA & Mary Rodwell

I met with a dozen people on a Zoom with the Preparing for Alien Contact Meetup group. In our Meetup the week before, I played part of our interview with Mary Rodwell, when she was the first guest with our Meetup. Please watch that, below. Mary Rodwell Part 1 - The New Generations of Human Children as Well as Hybrids Mary Rodwell’s work with 3,000 cases has left her with a positive view on humanity’s future. She indicates that our relationship with the aliens is mostly positive and many are taking rebirth as humans to help the world at this time, to move humanity to the next level of our advancement. Mary’s web site is She is the author of the highly acclaimed book ‘Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Transform Your Life’ (2002). Her new book ‘The New Human’ describes and documents star children. Mary is the Founder and Principal of Australian Close Encounter Resource Network (ACERN) which was established in 1997 to provide professional counselling, support, hypnotherapy and information to individuals and their families with ‘anomalous’ paranormal experiences and abduction-­‐contact experiences. Mary is also Director and Chair of the Experiencer Support Programs of Dr Edgar Mitchell: Foundation for Research into Extra-­‐terrestrial Encounters (FREE). Mary suggests extraterrestrial encounters are a global phenomenon and this is evident in the new humans referred to as star children. Mary affirms that star children exhibit a maturity and wisdom beyond their years and have an awareness and connection to spiritual realms. ‘Indigo’s’ or ‘crystal’ children as they are also known have telepathic abilities, are spiritually awakened, and can describe many species of non-­‐human visitors with a feeling that they are as real to them as their ‘real’ family because they feel supported by them. Mary’s research also explores evidence from a scientific, biological, psychological, anthropological, spiritual and historical perspective to support what she believes is a ‘genetic’ engineering program, for ‘upgrading’ homo sapiens, leading to a paradigm shift in human consciousness. Data suggests children are being altered and transformed on many levels through extraterrestrial encounters. Some of the latest DNA research that could qualify how this upgrading may occur and how it may be linked to such conditions such as ADHD, Asperger’s and possibly Autism is also explored as many of these individuals demonstrate awareness of the non-­‐physical realms. Thank you to Fred for video editing. Please do download any of my videos and copy them to your own channels to spread the word. Join our Meetup and be in our Zoom videos. All video playlists: or click on “The Brian Ruhe Show“ and scroll down. Donate: Bitcoin: 15Ls63J21zzhAPE7ke4P2JhaHyAEhUrJVe Volunteer your time. Be part of a group. My website: MP3 audios and video at: My priorities: Flickr: @N07 My three books are available at Amazon. ruhe&crid=1ZU2U0DOIY0QG&sprefix=,aps,101&ref=nb_sb_ss_recent_1_0_recent
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