Stive Morgan - Wandering soul - world

You’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching, Love like you’ll never be hurt, Sing like there’s nobody listening, And live like it’s heaven on earth.” ――― William W. Purkey ――― O OWNERS & COPYRIGHT HOLDERS:This channel is created to promote magnificent songs, and as well, producers. Absolutely, NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. This CHANNEL CLAIMS NO RIGHTS OR OWNERSHIP over the contents posted. If you wish for a track to be removed, please let us know so we can remove it from our feed immediately. world vimeo İstanbul Moskova Londra Sankt-Peterburg Berlin Madrid Kiev Roma Paris Minsk Bükreş Viyana Hamburg Budapeşte Varşova Barselona Harkov Münih Milano Nijniy Novgorod Prag Sofya Kazan Brüksel Samara Belgrad Rostov-na-Donu Birmingham Ufa Köln Perm Voronej Volgograd Odessa N
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