Reporter Can’t Take Any More Sarah Huckabee Sanders Lies

Reporter Hallie Jackson has had just about enough of Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, discuss. TYT now has a full audio network! Listen at “Faced with lingering questions about President Donald Trump’s disastrous appearance with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, his subsequent semi-walking-back of his remarks there, and then a third round of waffling about Russian intervention in American politics, Sarah Huckabee Sanders had her work cut out for her at Wednesday’s briefing. Defending the president under these circumstances is a losing proposition for even the smoothest of liars—which Sanders has never been mistaken for—so what came next was predictably bonkers. At first, Sanders attempted to clean up Trump’s remarks earlier today—in which he responded “no” after a reporter asked if Russia was still targeting the U.S.—by insisting that the president’s response was simply a “no to answering questions” before t
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