Inalco Bariloche

Inalco Bariloche This is the house were probably - { personally I do not belive on this version } Hitler spent the last years of his life, a remote mansion similar to the infamous Berghof located in the Nahuel Huapi Lake, in Patagonia, Argentina, a remote mountainous paradise full of Nazi refugees. That’s what the conspiracy theorist say, anyway. The mansion—called residencia Inalco—is now for sale after going through a few owners starting with Enrique García Merou, a Buenos Aires lawyer linked to several German-owned companies that allegedly collaborated in the escape to Argentina of high Nazi party members and SS officials. He bought the lot from architect Alejandro Bustillo, who created the original plans of the house in March 1943. Bustillo also built other houses for Nazi fugitives who were later aprehended in the area. The terrain in which the house was erected, on Bajia Istana near the little town of Villa La Angostura, was quite remote and hardly accessible at the time. You
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