2019 VT Swords vs Fencing ( full version ) 詠春八斬刀VS西洋劍 ( 原片長)
Would like to remind the audience that it was not a duel in weapons. The Fencer and Ving Tsun swordsman tried to show their special weapon techniques to deal with different conditions. All the movements they did were under reaction and intuition instead of rehearsal and choreography. 向關注這支示頻的觀眾說明:這不是一場兵器決鬥。雙方刀劍手,目的在於發揮刀劍獨有的技術,以應付不同的攻防處境。示頻上所見的一舉一動,皆非彩排而來,純是刀劍手訓練下來的直覺反應。