Absinthe: The Legend of the Green Fairy

The Legend of the Green Fairy has been reproduced from the Obsello presentation at Degusta trade show in Barcelona, Spain. Absinthe, otherwise known as the “Green Fairy“ rose in popularity throughout the 1800’s. By 1915 “The Green Fairy“ had met her untimely end in France, Switzerland, the United States and nearly every part of the world. With few exceptions, her presence became a note of nearly forgotten history. This historical recap of the mythical Absinthe Fairy captures the story behind the rise and fall of absinthe’s popularity throughout the previous century. As one of the most beloved beverages in 19th century Europe, and one of the only two alcoholic beverages to have its own deity, artists, poets and writers alike have been drawn to its allure. Selling over 32 million liters per year in 1910 France, absinthe outperformed wine sales. The Green Fairy went through decades of being loved, embraced and cherished, later to be sent into a downward spiral as a result of th
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