Corvus Corax - The Masque of the Red Death Trailer (2021, Официальный трейлер)

Full English Album here: MUSIC by Corvus Corax NARRATED by John Harford VIDEO EDIT by John Harford “Corvus Corax Poetica“ is the newest project of Corvus Corax - the mission is to transcribe our latest output, a musical audiobook version of“The Masque of the Red Death“, a pandemic story by Edgar Allan Poe, into as many languages as possible. The first variant was in german and is available on CD and online: We are working on further languages, up next will be the spanish variant “La máscara de la Muerte Roja“ to be released June 25, 2021 Special times require special measures: Corvus Corax, the kings of minstrels, are back in the middle of the pandemic with a spontaneous audio book project: With medieval instruments and atmospheric sound designs, they leave Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Masque of Red Death” with words and music ring in
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