Desk Jumping concept by Tynan Sylvester explored in [Slayers X]

In his book “Designing Games: a Guide to Engineering Experiences“, Tynan Sylvester proposes the concept of “Desk Jumping“. He defines Desk Jumping as “when the player takes an action that the player character would never take because their motivation is different“. The name assumably was inspired by the ability of JC Denton, a super serious secret agent working in a counter-terrorist organization, being able to jump on tables like a lunatic guided by the player’s command. In Slayers X, the main character, Zane, is able to destroy objects of personal significance in his own room for the player’s amusement. In doing so, Zane will question such actions in an amusing manner, not understanding why is he trashing his valuables. I find it to be a perfect example showcasing the Desk Jumping concept, since Zane has no motivation to destroy his own valuables, whereas the player is rewarded with an achievement and amusement.
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