Media Encoder - How to Change language to English

If you installed Media Encoder and came up with Russian language and you wish to change it back to English you will find the video helpful, I’ll demonstrate using Media Encoder CC 2018 Website: here is a step-by-step way to change the interface on Adobe Media Encoder CC 2018 from Russian language to English. Enjoy You basically have to go to edit/preferences/appearance/language/dropdown to English. Here is how it goes. 1: Once Media Encoder is installed, select Edit(Редактировать). This is the second option(in almost any software), right beside the 1st option File(файл) 2: Select the last but one option in the drop-down, which is preferences(Установки) 3: The preferences menu will open, select the second option, Appearance(Внешний вид). 4: Look to the right, and at the bottom of those options, you will see Language(Язык), and a dropdown beside it. That’s the languages dropdown. Select English and close the preferences.
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