Björk shows residential recording studio in Spain

To record in privacy away from media attention, Björk’s tour drummer Trevor Morais offered his residential studio. It’s located on the lower level of a 7-bedroom villa in Marbella(near Málaga), Andalucia, Spain. Björk had originally intended to stay only briefly, but later decided to record the entirety of ’Homogenic’ there(1997). She made a final trip out of the country before staying in Spain. As she had done since moving to London, Björk returned to Iceland for Christmas. While there, she wrote more new songs for Homogenic, including ’Jóga’. Before returning to record, she was sidetracked by a two-week worldwide press tour for the promotion of her remix album Telegram, which had just been released. After returning to the studio in Spain in late January, Björk had intended to produce the album alone but sought collaborators including Dravs, Howie B, Guy Sigsworth and LFO’s Mark Bell. Howie B had worked with Björk
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