Star Station Trailer

Diabotical’s Survival mode just received some love in the form of a brand new map. “Star Station“ gives players the opportunity to explore a new environment full of fun and challenging puzzles that rewards the player with the full Diabotical arsenal and lots of lore implications. This is the first map of many that are planned in a series of survival maps that will tell the story of the ZomBot Invasion with new characters, special map locations, and a unique style of story telling that only Eggbots could appreciate. Strap in, Extinction Group. You’re our only hope. ---- To play Star Station launch Diabotical, select “Play“ at the top, go down and select “Create Lobby“, proceed to select your visibility options for public or private play then move down to mode and select “Survival“ from the list. Now select the map above those options and you should be able to see the custom Survival maps from the content server there. Simply select “Star Station“ and start game. PS: be sure to select “More Settings“ so
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