You are not my brother. (Lorenzo/Diana/Kaleb)

#fanvidfeed #crossover «I’ve seen people turn their heads And quickly look away». This came literally of NOWHERE. I edited it in a few hours and I really love the result. Hope you all like it. Also... Team Diana/Lorenzo or Team Diana/Kaleb? Storyline: Prince Lorenzo and Kaleb, twins. After the king choosed Lorenzo as the heir to the crown, he leaves Kaleb in the Dark Forest. He grew ups with a witch, who puts the idea of revenge in his dead telling him everything about his family story, teaching him dark magic, and how to fight. Once he is ready to war, him and the queen take Princess Diana as their hostage to hurt the Prince. What the witch doesn’t know is that his student will change loyalties once he mets Diana. But when he tries to let her escape, it’s too late. The Witch turned her into a beast. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: → Couple/Characters: Kaleb Riley, Prince Lorenzo and Princess Diana.
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