Painkiller - Judas Priest vocal cover

This is me LIP SYNCING to my own voices (plural) that I previously recorded. Read this if you want to know how I created the vocals for this. Support me on patreon if you feel like it. How? Step 1: find the album track MINUS lead vocals (found this one on YouTube) Bring that into Reaper (the DAW I use) and put it on a track and add a pitch shifter to lower the key by some amount of semitones. -7 on this one. Step 2: Create two blank tracks for me to sing lead on (one for a falsetto sound and one for a chest voice sound and blend the two together to make one voice). Step 3: add basic effects to both vocal tracks AND pitch shift the backing track down by 7 semitones so I can sing in a lower key that is easier for my low baritone range. Step 4: sing it. Step 5: resing tons of it because I’m not happy with the results. Step 6: resing more of it. Step 7: fine tune tons of pitches manually because my pitches were all over the place and fine tune the eq/delay/reverb. Step 8: fine tune timings between the two vocal tracks so that they are in sync and don’t sound like 2 singers Step 9: keep refining pitch and timing and even resing MORE of it till I’m happy. Step 10: realize that there is diminishing returns after a point and stop fiddling with it and render it out. Bring that into vid editor, blend with me lip syncing to it and done. Hope that makes sense.
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