Ever get sick of going through life not striving towards your true potential, not putting in 100% towards the things that give you true fulfilment, not putting your head down and blocking out all the unnecessary noise that life will constantly throw our way?
I know I am..
Over the last couple of years I have pulled myself towards comfort and the easy way of doing things, as a result its left me not getting the most out of pretty much every situation I have put myself in, it has left me going through life somewhere in the middle, not too disappointed but also nowhere near fulfilled or content.
This has left me thinking, what needs to change to pull me out of this way of being?
At the end of the 2022 season I knew something had to change if I was to continue down this path, so I did what I think everyone should do when they are in a situation like mine, I stopped and analysed myself, I looked at the good, the bad and the really ugly in my past, present and future and came up with a new game plan, a new play to shift the momentum in my favour.
This change in mindset came with a great deal of “Clarity” and so this film idea was born, it is the starting blocks to this new found drive to better myself not just on the bike but in life in general, to start getting the most out of everything, not just to be better in a small aspect of my life that’s found in riding but in all parts, from the smallest interaction to the most monumental life changing experiences.
“Clarity” was born out of not only the want to change but also the need to change, the need to stop and look at what you really want to get out of this life we are all given and how much we are willing to put in, put in for no one else but ourselves, put in to prove to that little voice in your head that they are right, you can be the things you aspire to be and you can bring others up in the process of doing that!
I really hope you enjoy the film, and I hope we can all look back at this in a year’s time as the thing that set the wheels in motion to something much bigger.
A little side note that makes this film even that little bit more special is the fact myself and Sam Purdie (Filmer) first met building this track from scratch a couple years earlier, since then we have put in god only knows how many hours to create something we are both extremely proud of, now to then film on it and combine his art of filming and my art of riding is quite a special thing.
Special thanks to:
Sam Purdie – Filming and editing
Riley Mathews – Filming & photos
Zac Bradly – Filming and track sweeper
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