At Rabotino and Verbovoye, paratroopers and infantry are continuing their counterattacks, destroying and capturing Ukrainian Arm

At Rabotino and Verbovoye, paratroopers and infantry are continuing their counterattacks, destroying and capturing Ukrainian Armed Forces fighters. On the Zaporozhye front, our units have once again executed daring counterattacks along the Kopani-Rabotino-Novoprokopovka-Verbovoye line, seizing the initiative. As we reported yesterday, several AFU units became encircled. Those who refused to surrender were destroyed, while the wiser ones surrendered. Today, the counterattacks have continued, resulting in the capture of a new batch of prisoners. Most of today’s prisoners are conscripts. The fighting is ongoing, with both our forces and the enemy actively using artillery. We will provide more details in the next bulletin. #source Источник: Slavyangrad
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