I Share My Husband with 2 Other Wives (Maasai Marriage Story)

→ Join my daily adventures on Instagram: → Support me on Patreon: → Stephanie’s life on Instagram: → Viral video about Stephanie on @GlobstoryPl’s channel: Yayai is part of the Maasai tribe, one of the largest and best-known African tribes. One of the Maasai traditions that continues to live to this day is the custom of polygamy (or, more specifically, polygyny). As someone with a European upbringing, I’ve always been taught that a successful relationship can only exist between two people... But that’s not how everyone around the world lives and thrives. I’ve decided to ask Yayai about what marriage is like in her Maasai culture, and she really opened my eyes to the fact that there is no single recipe for a good relationship (except, maybe, to respect your partner!). I’m hoping you&
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