I wanted to see if Salvadorii would group feed on a large prey item in the same way that Komodo Dragons group feed and placed a huge rabbit in their enclosure (a defrosted dead rabbit of course). I discovred the following.
- They will group feed like Komodo Dragons
- The fur and fat layers on a huge rabbit are something the Salvadorii are not easily able to bite or claw through. I had to slice open the rabbits belly to make it easier for them to get through the layers. It was difficult to cut through the layers with a fairly sharp knife.
- They will attempt to swallow prey items that appear impossible to swallow. I had to take the rabbit away from a male that was attempting to swallow it whole.
Please note: No live animals are fed to the Salvadorii. Prey items are ordered frozen, defrosted, then fed to the lizards.
6 months ago 00:16:06 1
Он вам не БАРСУК! МЕДОЕД ПРОТИВ львов, леопардов, варана, змей, и даже крокодила! Медоед в деле!
7 months ago 01:24:47 1
ПОВЕДЕНИЕ КРОКОДИЛОВ И МИФЫ О НИХ! Лекция для российского биологического общества!
8 months ago 00:20:42 1
Этот Бык Втоптал Крокодила В Землю! Редкие Сражения Животных , Снятые на Камеру
8 months ago 00:14:50 1
Крокодил пустыни. Серый варан
9 months ago 00:24:26 1
Эти Крокодилы Напали На ЛЬВА. Вот Что Было Дальше...