# 1. Song of “Libera“ fan Daniel Chien (2021). Boy Soprano: Daniel Chien.
Vocal Ensemble: “Libera“ & Daniel Chien.
# 2. “Libera“ live concert in Chester Cathedral of Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary (Cheshire, United Kingdom; 10 \29\ 2010).
Solo, nigh notes: Ralph Skan, Kavana Crossley.
“Libera“`s Music Director: Mr. Robert G. Prizeman.
The video uses fragments of the musical feature film “Thumbelina“ (2007).
Director: Leonid Nechaev.
The film is based on the fairy tale of the same name by Hans Andersen (written in 1835), but it differs greatly from the original literary work by the retelling of the plot and the stories of the heroes.
The key to understanding this video.
In any country, even the most fabulous, filled with the most real magic, people once leave the world of the living and move into the Vast Dimension for a second and infinite - eternal and not subject to Time itself - life.
Their souls must make an independent journey to the Edge of Worlds to learn about their future destiny.
If the owner of the soul during his lifetime was pure in thoughts and marked by wonderful deeds, then the disembodied traveler becomes like an innocent child.
At the Edge of the Worlds, the soul will meet the Gatekeeper, who will lead it to the Stage of the Last History - a place where the soul can tell about its own life in a special way.
Each word of truth spoken by the soul is identified and becomes a melody. The words combine into a song that rises above the stage. Eternally young Elves living in the Vast Dimension, barely hearing the melody, descend to the Stage and, picking up the singing soul, rush with it to the Highest Limit. There the King of the Elves himself meets the young traveler, and his First Minister, the virtuoso Maestro, gives the soul wings, helping to soar into the sky and feel the endless joy of a bright flight.
If a person did much more evil during his lifetime than he gave good, then his voice will remain silent, and then the evil Four-Armed Queen will take his soul into her arms and take him to the Porch of Death Longing, from where there is no longer and will not be salvation.
However, there are exceptions in this continuous Life Circle. If a fabulous inhabitant suddenly gave up his life, not having time to create even a small fraction of the good destined for him, then he can go back. It is enough for at least one of the living people to remember about a person, that he has preserved the image of a deceased friend during his lifetime. Then the melody of the soul sounds from the outskirts of the Highest Limit, and the portrait of the departed person comes to life. The further the Heavenly Melody sounds, the more the image returns to its former life. The King of the Elves plants the soul in a magic flower and sends it to earth, to the world of the living. And now, finally, his soul comes back and, having settled in the revived creation of artistic creation, gives a person a second chance. Now a long and wonderful life awaits him, which will also come to an end, so that the soul will nevertheless make its predetermined path to the Scene of the Last History...
However, a whole hundred years will pass before a person who has received a second chance will rush to “Infinite Far Away“ - to the mysterious Edge of the Worlds, where he will sing his final song with joy and hope, and his famous portrait will remain for the edification of posterity as proof that miracles always have a place in life.
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