Australian Artist - Sunset Beach Swipe

I just think this is the magical unicorn I’ve been looking for. The iridescent sunset beach swipe. I’ve tried a few of these over the past week and this is the best one I’ve done so far. These have been so popular my dm’s have been blowing up with so many people wanting a piece, we know have a big wait list. So I can guarantee there will be more beach swipes to come in the future. If you do like any of my pieces pop me a dm or email. To gain access to my private members group and my live tutorials sign up to my E-Course. The new look Bloom E-Course is in it’s final stages of edit, so there is only a short time to purchase the exisiting course at it’s current price. All course buyers will get access to the new course as soon as it’s available. I must stress though that it is a refilming of the Sheleeart Bloom E-Course. It is not not a brand new E-Course. It is simply an updated version of the original Sheleeart Bloom E-Course. The course outline remains th
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