Miracles of Shortwave Propagation: how my signal came by Ionosphere from Baltic sea to Arabian sea!

It has long been my wish to get On The Air Portable directly from the Gulf of Finland, which is part of the Baltic Sea. It was a sunny and warm evening. There were no tall trees on the shore and so the dipole hung very low. It was inclined to the west, towards the water. The lowest point of its height was only 4 meters high. Alexey, RA1AMO, hand-made my power box which contains a LiFePO battery, and it allowed me to work off-grid for many hours. I was preparing to call CQ to European stations, but conditions on the 20 meter band were very bad, and so I was a bit upset. I could not hear Europe, although it is commonly heard in the evenings on this band. But at this point, I could not expect to work any stations from the east, particularly with DX stations! Nevertheless, one at a time, three pleasant QSOs happened with big signals! And so I will never forget that Short Waves can often work wonders. At first glance, what appears to be bad propagation can actually turn out to be very good for DX
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