Felix the Cat: The Movie | Full Movie | Felix the Cat Official

Watch ’Felix the Cat: The Movie’ (1989) here! In the Kingdom of Oriana, the Princess and ruler of the kingdom has been informed by a local fortune teller, named Pearl, that the Duke of Zill is invading the kingdom. Oriana and Pearl descend into the cavern underneath the castle and attempt to use an ancient device called the “Dimensporter“ in order to escape to another dimension and find a hero to save the kingdom. Just before they manage to enter the device though, both are caught by the Duke’s robotic army and are imprisoned. As the Duke completely takes over the kingdom of Oriana, Princess Oriana sheds a magical tear, which makes its way into the device and is transported to Felix’s dimension. Napping under a palm tree, Felix is awakened by the tear and is guided to the Dimensporter’s location. Felix soon finds himself transported to the Kingdom of Oriana. Equipped with his magical bag of tricks, Felix must now save the princess and restore order to the kingdom once
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