Restoration and customization. How to make a Viking ax. Style battle axe

Hi!!! In this video I tried to make a stylish Viking battle axe. How did I get the restoration of the old axe? Hello everyone This time I want to remake a new forged axe into a Viking battle axe, which can be used, as in the old days, to chop and destroy ...))) After tinkering with it, I got a good redesigned axe with a beautiful traced pattern with the head of a formidable Viking on one side and a Viking skull on the other side, I also added patterns to the Scandinavian motif. How do you like my work? I took a new forged axe as the basis of my new axe, the axe was in good condition, but I didn’t like the handle, after removing the handle, I decided to betray my shape to the axe in the brodax style, which I did. Cleaned and sanded. When the blank was aligned in geometry, I decided to put a Viking-themed image and a Scandinavian-style skull on it. After electrochemical etching of the drawing, I blackened the metal by the blackening method. When these works were completed, it was l
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