Rainmaker (the voice within)

The official video of Diztord “Rainmaker (the voice within) Special guest: K4L Maskinisten Music / Lyrics : Diztord, Jan Nilsson Filmed by Akham , Håkan and Bengan The additional clips are from the Swedish movie “1% den inre rösten (the voice within). Director Jesper Sanneving. Diztord proudly presents “Rainmaker (The voice Within)“, which will be featured on the soundtrack to the upcoming Swedish movie “1 % (the voice within)“. The video to the song features K4L Maskinisten, and some of the footage in the video is taken from an unpublished documentary about his life. Additionally, some of the clips in the video are taken from the movie that, among others, will feature David Labrava, star from the hit show ”Sons of Anarchy”. Thanks to everyone involved
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