What does Alien Hengra like for breakfast? / Diorama / Star Trek

Thanks to Scopely for sponsoring this video - Download Star Trek Fleet Command on iOS & Android and battle in the Star Trek universe here: Guys, you keep asking us what music we use in our videos, now we will post the list of tracks here: Fused by Stanley Gurvich First try by Neon Ridge Still need syndrome by Yarin Primak Unbroken by Roman P All the tracks we get from Artlist since the beginning of time: (get 2 months extra by using my link) In this diorama, we show the moment in 2258 of the alternate reality, Drakoulias attacked James T. Kirk, who was marooned on the ice planet Delta Vega. Before the drakoulias could reach him, however, Hengrauggi burst out from the ground, grabbed the Drakoulias, and threw it into a mountain.
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