11 Best 1v1 Plays from the ALGS | Apex Legends

Take a peek from behind your teammates’ knockdown shield and see if you’ve got the drop on your opponent - it’s the 11 very BEST 1v1 Plays from the Apex Legends Global Series. 00:00 - 11 Best 1v1 Plays from the ALGS 00:09 - Outsiders 00:41 - Ad Hoc Gaming 01:16 - FusioN E-Sports 01:41 - FlavoroftheMonth 02:20 - WeAreTrash 03:05 - DreamFire 03:31 - Alliance 04:34 - Sentinels 04:56 - Complexity 05:50 - Magicians 06:53 - Major Pushers Apex Legends Pro League: Sub: Twitter: #algs #apexlegends #apex
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