The DEATH of the NAZI who RESCUED Mussolini in 1943 | WWII

Otto Skorzeny from a young age had an inclination towards physical violence, so he sought to channel that energy by enrolling in a society of duelists. They spent their days training with the sword and fighting in fencing demonstrations. In their tenth confrontation, when he was twenty, he was slashed across the cheek by a rival, leaving a hideous scar that spanned his entire face. Since then, he would be known by the nickname “Scarface“, a nickname that accompanied him until the end of his days. Do you want to know about other deaths of World War II leaders?I leave you here! 👇 📌What they NEVER TOLD YOU about Hitler’s DE4TH 📌The DEATH of Himmler: The creator of the FINAL SOLUTION (The end of the SS CHIEF) -------------------------------------------- #OTTOSKORZENY #SS #WWII
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