Young & Beautiful // Allie & Noah [The Notebook]

Secret Santa video for xattachedbyatether So.. I had a bit of trouble coming up with something for Kayleigh - we don’t really share that many fandoms (except for Friends & The Big Bang Theory, which I don’t have on my computer anymore) or anything really from the list of Secret Santa info, so I was kind of at a loss - but then I came across her own YouTube Christmas Wishlist and under “favourite films“ it mentioned The Notebook, which I’ve seen quite a few times - aaand that she really wanted someone to make her a video using the song “Young & Beautiful“ by Lana Del Rey - and well, I thought I’d combine the two =) Another problem I’ve had with this (and all of my other videos) is a lack of inspiration - especially for anything romantic - because my boyfriend of the past 6 years (and father of my child) and I split up earlier in December, which has left me quite.. emotionally unstable, really. So I won’t have any other Christmas Wishes up for a while, I think.. but I still intend to make the ones I had planned and begun to work on..
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