MDC (Millions of Dead Cops) - “Born to Die“ Official Election Video 2020 / A BlankTV World Premiere!

MDC (Millions of Dead Cops) - “Born to Die (No Trump, No KKK, No Fascist .)“ - Like this video? Come see thousands more at the Net’s largest, uncensored, completely . music video site, ! Free! Uncensored! Triggered! ! *** MDC - “Born to Die (No Trump, No KKK, No Fascist .)“ Official Election Video 2020 / A BlankTV World Premiere! Artist City, State, Country: Portland, Oregon, . Artist Bio: MDC is an American punk rock band formed in 1979 in Austin, Texas, United States, subsequently based in San Francisco and currently Portland, Oregon. Among the first wave of bands to define the sound and style of American hardcore punk, MDC originally formed as they have periodically changed the meaning of “MDC“, the most frequent being Millions of Dead Cops. The band’s lyrical content expresses radical left political views and has proven influential within the punk subculture. MDC re
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