Curl Cleans - age 55, April 7, 2024, 6:38 pm

🌺CAUTION: THIS VIDEO IS FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. THE EXERCISE(S) CAN BE DANGEROUS. PLEASE VIEW WITH DISCRETION. Powerblock Dumbbells MAEDA10=10% Off I had a great time with my daughter’s school at Secret Island in Kualoa. I walked for an hour in the sand, paddled canoe, and climbed strange wooden things. It was a lot of fun, but I was feeling tired and lazy the way I always feel after a day at the beach. I took yesterday off, so I felt compelled to do something for my entire body. I’m also trying to strengthen my arms more because they’ve never been a priority in my training and I’m trying to make them one now. I’m weak at Curls, so I like to combine them with the Deadlift so I can safely get heavier weights to the top position and focus on lowering them slowly. The combination of these two movements also simulates real life conditions and imposes a challenge to my cardio as well. I demonstrate and explain this lift more in a video that will be at FitPro Hawaii on YouTube under the title “Curl Cleans”. Much aloha 💪
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