TikToker claims to find jackpot in high-end store dumpster

A TikToker has made waves as arguably the world’s most successful trash panda. GlamourDDive posted several videos showing her dumpster diving stores including Nike, Sephora and Victoria’s Secret. During one expedition to a Sephora dumpster, the TikToker claimed to have found an ‘insane hidden jackpot’ including a Dyson hair styler, designer perfumes, and high-end skincare products. Her total haul was worth thousands of dollars, but some viewers were skeptical of the find. People took to the comments wondering if the video had been staged somehow, while others put forward the theory that Sephora employees had ‘hidden’ the loot in the dumpster, planning to come back for it later. Employees were ‘watching their Christmas gifts driving away in your car,’ remarked one viewer. Others made pleas for Sephora staff to join the chat, hoping to shed some light on the mystery trash. So did she just get lucky, or did she stumble on a doomed employee’s haul? Whatever the answer, her relatives will now know their Christmas gifts came from the dumpster, so that’s nice
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