Titles read: “LONDON - ATLANTIC IN 3 HOURS“.
A girl looks at a large model of the Anglo-French Concorde Airliner, due to be carrying 100 passengers by 1970.
General view of Lancaster House. Inside Monsieur Geoffrey Chodron de Courcel, French Ambassador to Britain and Aviation Minister Julian Amery look at the model of the aircraft and sign an agreement for the joint development and production. They shake hands.
Shot of a model of the Fairey Delta Two in flight. This was really the beginning of supersonic delta winged aircraft. Ground to air shot of the French Trident supersonic aircraft.
General view of the Bedford Wind Tunnel. Aircraft in wind tunnel undergoing tests. C/U of model of the proposed airliner with moving background to simulate the flight. Dr Russell, head of the Bristol Design team, looks at the model. Various shots of Bristol Siddeley Olympus jet engine being tested. General view of a Vulcan bomber fitted with the Olympus engine in flight. Air to air shot of the Handley Page 115