Israeli forces kill 3 Palestinian passersby and fleeing youth in evening of clashes at checkpoint

In clashes between young Palestinians and Israeli forces that broke out near Qalandiya Checkpoint on Sunday evening, 8 October 2023, theforces shot and killed four Palestinians. In the clashes, which began around 8:30 P.M.,the Palestinians threw stones and Molotov cocktails and sometimes fired live shots, and the forces fired tear gas canisters, rubber-coated metal bullets and live shots. At around 9:00 P.M., the forces shot Yasser Kasbah (17), who was running away after hurling a Molotov cocktail towards a military observation tower. Officers then advanced along the road leading to Ramallah and fired at two passing cars, killing Muhammad Hmeid (25) and Amjad Khdeir (36), who had not participated in the clashes. About an hour later, armed Palestinians hiding in the alleyways of Qalandiya Refugee Camp fired at Border Police officers, leading to brief, intermittent exchanges of fire. Around 11:45 P.M., armed Palestinians fired again from within the camp, at which point Border Police officers standing
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