1/35 TAMIYA US TANK DESTROYER M18 HELLCAT (full buildLatest Kit #scalemodelpainting #howtopaint

Hello! This video is about Tamiya’s latest kit, the M18 Hellcat. First of all, Tamiya has been great lately. The parts fit together like magic. It’s definitely the best in the world. I basically followed the instruction manual for painting, but I painted the interior in white. I painted the interior in white, which is actually the color of the car body, but I wanted it to look good when it was glimpsed from the open-top body. I hope you all enjoy it! Thank you! こんにちは!今回のビデオは、タミヤの最新キット M18 ヘルキャットです。まず、最近のタミヤは凄いですね。パーツとパーツが魔法のように૏
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