Some time ago during our conversation with a non-believing person all of a sudden he asked impatiently: “Why do you keep telling me about God? What God? Just look at the current civilizational progress, so many technologies, so many scientific discoveries. And your God was left behind somewhere in the middle ages. If a human has such unlimited opportunities, why do we need God and where is He at all? A human has already got ahead of Him”. I answered him then: Yes, if we have a look at contemporary technologies, they seem to be fantastic, particularly for older people. We lived in the 20th century, read science fiction, and the things we used to consider unbelievable, even supernatural, have become just a part of our everyday life. Humankind has made huge progress in technologies, while people’s morality didn’t even make a step forward, moreover, it is on the downward path. And if people have no moral progress, they take a risk of being a civilization of morally depraved people with top technologies at their
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