Lumix S5 Review: a GH5 on STEROIDS! (2021)

In this Panasonic Lumix S5 review, I’ll be looking at whether I am happy with my decision to upgrade from the Lumix GH5 to this incredible full frame camera! 🇬🇧 UK PEEPS - be sure to click the Wex link below to get an incredible £300 CASHBACK when you buy the camera before the 02 AUGUST 2021! Plus, get an additional £200 trade-in bonus and a FREE Sigma MC21 adapter as well! LUMIX S5 OFFER - After having owned the Lumix GH5 for nearly four years now, I decided to switch to the Lumix S5 in the hope that it’s full frame sensor would help me to achieve an even more cinematic look and better low light performance. I’ve owned the camera for a month now and in this review, I’ll be giving my first thoughts and impressions after using the camera out in the field and gaining lots of hands-on experience and capturing tons of footage! You’ll find lots of low light shots as well as some cinematic captured with some wonderful lenses. This Lumix S5 review is aimed towards all sorts of video pr
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