Luciano Berio - Laborintus II

Luciano Berio (1925 - 2003) - Laborintus II (1965) Christine Legrand, soprano Janette Baucomont, soprano Claudine Meunier, contralto Edoardo Sanguineti, speaker Ensemble Musique Vivante, Luciano Berio (1969) Laborintus II is a work by Luciano Berio for 3 voices, 8 actors, speaker, ensemble, and tape. Due to the freedom and indeterminacy of the score - one passage calls for an extensive jazz improvisation - performance durations can vary substantially, though typical performances are around 35 minutes. “Laborintus II, composed in 1965, was commissioned by the French Television to celebrate the 700th anniversary of Dante’s birth. It takes its title from the poetic collection Laborintus by Edoardo Sanguineti. The text of Laborintus II develops certain themes from Dante’s Vita nuova, Convivio, and Divina Commedia, combining them - mainly through formal and semantic analogies - with Biblical texts and texts by T. S. Eliot, Pound and Sanguineti himself. The main f
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