Russian Soldier Fighting For His Life Against Ukrainian Dron

#Russian #Soldier #Ukrainiandron A Russian warrior with nerves of steel throws away the grenades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine flying towards him... A Ukrainian drone is filming attempts to eliminate russian soldier in a trench with bombs and grenades. Judging by the fact that the record of unsuccessful attempts is interrupted, the chances are high that the guy survived ... Русский воин со стальными нервами отбрасывает прилетающие к нему гранаты ВСУ Украинский беспилотник снимает попытки убийства нашего военного в окопе бомбами и гранатами. Судя по тому, что запись безрезультатных попыток прерывается - велики шансы, что парень выжил... Article 51 of the UN Charter and agreements with the DPR and LPR Putin’s reference to Article 51 of the UN Charter is regarded by a number of lawyers as incorrect. According to Robert Goldman, a professor at the Washington College of Law, this is “a blatant example of a violation of the central princi
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