Спасо-Преображенский собор... Псков г. / Cathedral of the - 1901

Спасо-Преображенский собор Мирожского монастыря Псков г. 1901 Cathedral of the Transfiguration Mirozhsky monastery Pskov 1901 Музыка Верую Исполнитель: Хор храма Св. Александра Невского г. Пскова Cолист Секретарев Иван Music I believe Sung here by the Choir of St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral Pskov Soloist Sekretarev The Transfiguration Cathedral of the Mirozhsky Monastery in Pskov, Russia is one of the oldest churches of the Pskov region, dating from the twelfth century. Built before local Russian architectural concept had developed, the cathedral uses a “Byzantine” cross floor plan. The cathedral is especially renowned for the twelfth century frescos painted by Greek artists from the Mediterranean area. The cathedral is one of the best examples of the architecture and iconography of the pre-Tatar period... Based on some technical features that remain to this day, the artists are known to have begun their work as soon as the build
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