18th-19th centuries Eurocentric Roots of the western ’Conventional Historiography’ forgery

Eurocentric Roots of the western ’Conventional Historiography’ forgery in the 18th-19th centuries policies, that has sought to “establish a historical context for the integrated and interdependent world of modern times“ (Bentley cited in Mazlish 1998). The framework of the ’Conventional Historiography’ forgery emerged as a reflection of the new Nationalist, Colonialist and Eurocentric methodologies, which have self-established and differentiated from the proven Ancient Model Historiography in the course of 18th-19th centuries. Renaming and reshaping of everything and everyone became a “common sense” used for exclusively lucrative goals. Western Eurocentric falsified history, although it was actually introduced in the 40’s of the 19th century, it is a long-term project and consequence of the centuries-old massacres, genocides, and bloodthirsty wars for supremacy and dominance in Europe. Eurocentrism has been variously defined as an attitude, conceptual apparatus, or set of “empiri
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