EMERGING FROM THE COCOON 破繭而出|Event Horizon (Official Music Video)

Event Horizon 事件視界 Music : Hua Chiang Lin Lyric : Vincent Liu Compose : EMERGING FROM THE COCOON Guest Player : Jedi Yeh(Erhu) Producer : Jesse Liu (Black Frequency Studio) MV Director : 林峻 (Span Studio)   — Suddenly, everything return to nothingness A boundary that no one can trespass Disappear. Vanish. Anti-matter Into ashes, another quadrant (瞬間,萬物回歸虛無 這是無法跨越的界線,在此界之前都會消失,化為灰燼,進入另一個象限) Nothing matters and no one cares Depressed air chokes me while I reach for help Every second is a torment I can’t kill myself cause I’m already dead (無力去改變,也無人在乎 當我嘗試求助,壓抑的空氣讓我窒息,每一秒都是折磨,我無法結束我的生命,因為我早已死去) Like an invisible gate Like a filter that kills everything (像一道隱形的大門、一個消滅萬物的濾波器) Absolute vacuum state Hollow black hole. Zero gravity (絕對的真空領域,這是零重力、空洞無極的黑洞) A place we can’t see A place we can’t feel (我們無法視及之處,我們無法感受之處) I am paralyzed. Hopeless, no one can hide No one can run. You can’t escape I am paralyzed. Hopeless, no one can hide No one can run. You can’t escape (我已麻木癱瘓,如此地無助, 事件視界中,無人可以藏匿,無人可以閃躲,無人可以逃脫) Shrouded in despair Abandon my will Buried myself in nothing (絕望壟罩,我已放棄掙扎,將自己葬身於虛無) — EMERGING FROM THE COCOON’s info mail: @  
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