StarCraft 2 FIGHT CLUB (Extreme Quality) - Ep. 3

Watch huge A.I. armies battle it out in the StarCraft 2 Legacy of the Void Fight Club. Can you predict the winner of each round? In Episode 3 of the Fight Club, Banelings, Marauders, Mothership, Archons (Archon Toilet), Battlecruisers, Ghosts, Ultralisks, Predators, Marines, Zealots, Zerglings, Widow Mines, the Zerg Army and the Protoss Army fight AI battles in the Fightclub arena. Thumbnail: 1000 Banelings Timestamps: 0:00 Fight 1 1:07 Fight 2 2:15 Fight 3 4:20 Fight 4 5:30 Fight 5 6:50 Fight 6 ____________________________________________________________ Attributions
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