Battle: A Dazzlings Tribute - Full Album

An industrial/symphonic metal and orchestral tribute to the Dazzlings from the Rainbow Rocks Movie with remixes of all their songs. 0:00 The Siren’s Call Pt. 1 3:47 Battle of the Bands (GhostXb Remix) 8:14 Under Our Spell (GhostXb Remix) 11:02 Welcome to the Show (GhostXb Remix) 13:14 Adagio’s Monologue (feat. Wubcake) 15:45 A Turn for the Worse 20:09 The Siren’s Call Pt.2 23:41 We Will Be Adored This has been my brainchild for the past few months, and I am very pleased to finally be able to share it with you! This has been a lot of fun, and it was also quite a struggle to achieve, and there were definitely a few moments of frustration. This has definitely been the most ambitious musical project I completed yet. I’m also quite relieved to finish it, since now I can work on other projects. Tumblr - Bandcamp - Soundcloud -
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