Greenfield: An in-browser Wayland compositor Running a Wayland compositor entirely in your browser

by Erik De Rijcke At: FOSDEM 2019 Greenfield is a Wayland compositor running entirely in your browser. No plugins or black magic required. This talk will go into the conception, exploration and struggles of making this possible. The result is a product far from finished, but already capable of running existing Wayland applications directly in your browser. Greenfield is a in-browser Wayland compositor capable of running existing Wayland applications in the browser. This is made possible by leveraging a large amount existing HTML5 apis. Greenfield is different from existing solutions like VNC or RDP in that it does not stream a final server side generated image to a remote. Instead Greenfield live encodes each individual application to h264 frames using gstreamer. After encoding, frames are send to the browser using a dedicated WebRTC datachannel. On reception, the h264 frames are decoded using a WebAsembly h264 decoder running in a
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