Transgender woman affirmation surgery street interview

She is brave to live her dream 🖤 Transgender woman affirmation surgery street interview “Gender reassignment“ surgery In the case of male patients who are to be transformed into femininity, the breasts grow, sexual desire and erections decrease, the size of the testicles decreases, and the proportion of body fat increases at the expense of muscle. Hormone treatment can be associated with severe mood swings, lethargy, and depression. Let’s see what comes next for those who undergo male-to-female surgery: gonadectomy (removal of the gonads, i.e. castration), penectology (removal of the penis) and “creation“ of a vagina. The skin of the penis is often used to create the wall of the vagina imitation. The scrotum will become imitations of the external labia. Cosmetic surgery is the creation of a clitoris imitation, during which the most sensitive parts of the head of the penis become the sensitive surfaces of the clitoris imitation. More recently, they can also imitate the inner labia. After the operation, the depth and width of the neovagina must be maintained artificially (for example, with tampons). Male hair is removed by electrolysis or laser, and there are already techniques that can also feminize the face.
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